Saturday, January 28, 2012


All right, everyone! Time for you to submit your opinions again! This time around I would like to hear from you the things you'd like to see in the documentary. Please give me all the details about what interesting things would make you want to watch this movie. Have a favorite activity related to pen-palling you want explained? Know about a cool place dedicated to pen-palling that you want some light shone upon? Leave your suggestions in comments below and I'll gladly read them!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Request Time: Part One!

Hello to all you guys and gals out there! It's time for me to ask a favor of you. I decided I would make some sort of collage from stamps that have been used already. I'll create the title of the documentary in stamps, and take some nice photos and upload them. I currently have very few stamps, so my request to all of you is to take those stamps that you have from letters, junk mail, and the likes, and to send them to me, please! They can be worldwide or USA or whatever, so long as they're used.

You can send them to the following place:

Alyssa Ricigliano
460 Franklin St.
Buffalo, NY 14202

As incentive, I will send a small surprise to someone at random, using a random generator on the internet, for every group of five people who send me stamps. So be sure to include your e-mail address and a list of five things you like (can be colors, animals, things you collect such as stickers, stationery, Hello Kitty, pins...) so that I can e-mail you if you've won. The drawings will continue until I've received enough stamps.

My goal is to get about 400 to 500 stamps at the very least.

Thanks in advance!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stories! Part One!

Hello everyone! It's time for your participation once again! I am looking for you to submit some stories. I want to hear your favorite memory regarding pen-palling. That's it! If you aren't comfortable leaving these tales in a comment, feel free to send an e-mail to me at and put "TNQDA Good Story" in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you all!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Hey ladies and gents! So, here is one part where you come into play. I want you all to help a girl out by submitting your questions. There will be more of these posts asking for other things from you, but we'll get to those later!

Basically, I would like you to comment below with an interview question or two (or more, if you have them!) that you would like to see answered in the documentary. It's that simple! Don't forget to leave your name or an e-mail address for me to contact you if I decide to use your question(s).

Hope to hear from you all!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Hello everyone! My name is Alyssa and I am 20 years young, a film-maker in college, and very excited to present to you this blog, The Not Quite Dying Art! Here you can follow me as I research, live, and breathe the supposedly dying art known as pen-palling.

I have been pen-palling for the last four years, but have been fascinated by the art for a decade. The practice is absolutely incredible and I have made so many close, wonderful friends.

I hope you all tag along as I will be using this blog to display the work in progress that is a documentary about pen-palling. I someday plan to submit this to a film festival. Be prepared for interviews, photos, ramblings, links, and much, much more!